Field Closure Updates:
* Send out via Remind Texts for each league. Refer back to info email for how to sign up for Remind Texts.
Weather Policy:
Soccer Games are played in the rain and cold. The mere presence of rain, snow, or low temperatures does not mean that games will be cancelled. The GSA policy is to attempt to play all games when possible. The Directors & City Of Green are the only ones permitted to call off games ahead of time. Coaches should not call off games ahead of time without checking with your League Director. If it is thundering/lighting/heavy downpour, coaches can make the call on the field.
GSA will do everything in its power to play all scheduled games that are listed on each team's schedule. Due to field availability and time constraints, GSA will not guarantee that matches that become rained-out will be rescheduled.
In case of inclement weather the GSA will send out a REMIND TEXT with weather related information or field closures.. If you don't get a Remind Text with any adverse weather conditions, postponements, or cancellation then everyone should assume that all matches for that day are being played as scheduled.
Lightning/Thunder Policy
This policy applies to all Green Soccer Association soccer practices and games. Coaches for all levels of
play in our recreational and travel programs must use this policy.
a. When thunder is heard or lightning is seen, the leading edge of the thunderstorm is close enough to
strike your location with lightning. Coaches must suspend play for at least 30 minutes and all players and
coaches must vacate the outdoor activity to a safer location immediately.
b. The 30-minute rule must be used by all coaches. The 30-minute rule states that once play has been
suspended, all players and coaches are to wait in a safe location until at least 30 minutes after the last
thunder is heard or lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play.
c. Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30-minute count will reset the clock
and another 30-minute count should begin.
d. Parents should remain near the field area when thunder and lightning is possible during practice or
Reasons for GSA game cancellations:
1) The City has closed the fields.
2) The fields are wet to the point where playing the game will destroy the playing surface.
3) The presence of thunderstorms and lightning.
4) It is raining hard at the time of the scheduled game and the temperature is low enough to make conditions unbearable for the children.